“If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.”
Vincent Van Gogh
The Department of Art & Art History offers the Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Visual Arts with concentrations in Art History and Studio Art, and the Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree with concentrations in all of the areas listed in the column to the left. Please click on the specific area for additional information.
Detailed information for both of these degree programs may also be found in the University Bulletin.
The Department of Art & Art History also offers a Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Technologies and Practice. Click here to apply or click here to find out more information about our new MFA.
The Department of Art & Art History also offers, through the College of Education and Professional Studies, the Master of Education in Art Education and the Alternative Master of Education in Art Education. Additional information may be found here: http://bulletin.paksel.net/programs-az/education-professional-studies/.