Event Marketing 101
To get the word out about your event or program to the largest audience possible, use any or all of the methods listed below. Promote early and often — allow at least three to four weeks for maximum publicity — and promote continuously over the weeks leading up to your event.
- USA Online Master Calendar
Events submitted to the online Master Calendar should be of general interest to the entire University community. Events with a narrow audience will be considered for inclusion at the discretion of staff managing the Master Calendar. The Master Calendar is managed by the Office of Special Events.
- Public and Community Calendars
There are a number of community calendars in the Mobile area that will accept event submissions from South. These include: Mobile Chamber of Commerce, Mobile Bay Monthly, Mobile Rundown, Visit Mobile, City of Mobile, County of Mobile and the Downtown Mobile Alliance. In addition, the Lagniappe weekly newspaper takes submissions by email at events@lagniappemobile.com. Please take the time to look at the listings on each calendar and decide whether your event is appropriate to the audience.
- USA Bulk Email System/Digest
The University’s Mass Email System sends official notices each weekday to all students, faculty staff and Health System employees. For instructions, please visit the website.
- Digital Display Screens
A graphic in .jpg format may be placed on digital display screens within the Student Center and other areas of campus, and is a great way to promote upcoming events. Promotion of events and announcements is limited to individuals, groups or organizations affiliated with South Alabama. Download a list of contacts for campus display screens.
- University Mail/USA Mail Hub
The USA Mail Hub is located in the Student Center. University students, faculty and staff have access to an array of mailing, shipping, copying and printing options. There is a designated departmental mail pickup and delivery service provided by an established route.
- Flyers, Posters and Table Tents
University offices, departments and affiliates may post promotional materials on campus. Materials must be approved and stamped at the information desk located in the Student Center. For assistance in creating these materials, please contact Publication Services. For information about setting up table tents in dining locations — Fresh Food Company, Java City and the Student Center Food Court — contact USA Dining Services at dining@paksel.net or (251) 460-6296.
- Social Media
Social media is an effective way to drive attendance to your events. You may want to create a Facebook Event site or use Facebook’s paid advertising function. You also may want to Tweet about your event from your Twitter account to @UofSouthAlabama, the University’s main Twitter feed. Assign a hashtag to an event to create a conversation and connect the hashtag with USA’s hashtag, #WeAreSouth. For guidance on social media, please consult the USA Brand Guidelines.
- USA News
If your event features a prominent speaker or would be of wide interest to both internal and external audiences, please submit a request to the Pitch Your Story form to have your event considered for a story on the USA News website.